Send a Valentines Day SMS to someone you love!
..or secretly admire!
Select the Sender Name as "Valentine" or many other fun Valentines Day names from the sender name list as you create your SMS message below.
SMS Picture, Video, Audio or PDF Attachments!
You can now attach pictures, videos, audio files or PDF's to your SMS messages!
Create your preview, then the file upload appears below...
Build your anonymous SMS preview...
Send a test message
Use this feature to send a free SMS test message to yourself, to see how our system works and what an Anonymous SMS from us looks like.
We recommend using this tool to send a test SMS to yourself; not to who you are intending on sending an anonymous SMS message too.
The test message sent will read:
"'This is a test anonymous SMS message!
You've received this message as your number was entered to receive a test SMS message."
Send Anonymous Pricing Structure
SMS Pricing
SMS Credits are used to send SMS at a rate of 1 credit unit, per 160 characters.
You can purchase once off credit to send individual messages, or bulk credit blocks are available at discounted rates.
Sending SMS
(anywhere globally, per 160 characters)
1 credit unit
SMS Hosted attachments *
(per 25mb, per file)
1 credit unit
SMS Recipient "reply to email" feature
1 credit unit
Anonymous Email
1 credit unit
Credit units (single use, per unit)
$1 AUD
Online payment processing
0.30c + 2.5% AUD
* SMS hosted media attachments (including photos, videos and/or PDF files) cost 1 credit unit per 25mb, per file.
i.e. if a video attachment is 40mb in size, it will cost 2x credit units to send.
Credit Blocks are now available for bulk purchase at discounted pricing.
10 x Credit Units @ 0.90c each 10% discount!
$9 AUD
25 x Credit Units @ 0.80c each 20% discount!
$20 AUD
50 x Credit Units @ 0.70c each 30% discount!
$35 AUD
75 x Credit Units @ 0.67c each 33% discount!
$50 AUD
100 x Credit Units @ 0.60c each 40% discount!
$60 AUD
Credit blocks are available for purchase after you Preview your SMS / Email when using the software.
If you are registered & signed-in credit blocks are also available from the SMS Credits page.
For business clients with special pricing or larger volumes needs Contact us, we can program our software to suit you!
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: by sending a message on our website you automatically accept and agree to our terms of service.
Shopping cart
Guest sale
This SMS will be processed as a guest sale.
After you process payment a link will appear to 'track live delivery' of your SMS. Click that link for real time SMS delivery updates.
How would you like to pay?
Our credit card payments gateway is provided by Stripe and is 100% secure, safe to use and PCI-DSS compliant. No credit card information is stored on our server when you send an anonymous message.
Pay with Crypto Currency
Cryptocurrency is supported on SendAnonymous to purchase credit blocks.
Credit card processing fees don't apply when paying via Crypto.
The final price will be the credit block amount + GST, i.e. $20 block = $20 x 1.1 = $22 (no credit card fee)
To purchase a credit block please login, then go to Credit Blocks in the accounts page.

Anonymous SMS text messages to Australia.
Safe SMS texting, anonymously within Australia
Send an SMS message anonymously to anyone in Australia. Whether it's a harmless prank with a friend, a heartfelt message to a loved one on a special occasion, or a private note, you can do it right here.
Simply compose your message, enter the recipient's mobile number, and click 'Preview SMS Message'. If you're happy with the preview, click send for instant delivery!
How anonymous SMS text messaging works
Sending anonymous text messages to Australia is incredibly straightforward.
No registration is needed to send an anonymous SMS message. Just fill in the phone number and message, preview it, and press send!
We'll send your SMS message securely and anonymously on your behalf.
Tips for staying anonymous when sending an anonymous SMS text message
- Avoid including personal details like your name or number in the text, ensuring your identity remains hidden.
- Use a private browsing window or incognito mode to visit this site, keeping it out of your browsing history (or clear your history afterward).
- This website is mobile-friendly, allowing you to use it conveniently on your smartphone.
- If you choose PayPal for payment, you'll receive a 'success' email notification to your PayPal email address after sending your anonymous SMS text message.
- For added privacy, delete that email and any PayPal notifications once you're done (also check your junk mail folder).
Sending an anonymous SMS text message within Australia, the UK, New Zealand or the US and Canada is incredibly easy to do and we thank you for using our service to help you do it.