Send an Anonymous Email
This service sends an email from our email accounts, with which your recipient may reply twice from our website.
When a reply is received to one of your emails, it is automatically forwarded to you as a new email; your email address is never visible to the recipient.
Image attachments have all personal information stripped from them (GPS, Camera Data, Creation Data, Meta data, etc.).
Email Preview
Subject line:
Email body:
This is the full email as it will appear to the recipient, including the "message starts here" and "message ends here" markers, the content before & after them... right down to the closing Send Anonymous logo.
File Attachment(s):
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: by sending a message on our website you automatically accept and agree to our terms of service.
Shopping cart
Guest sale
This SMS will be processed as a guest sale.
After you process payment a link will appear to 'track live delivery' of your SMS. Click that link for real time SMS delivery updates.
How would you like to pay?
Our credit card payments gateway is provided by Stripe and is 100% secure, safe to use and PCI-DSS compliant. No credit card information is stored on our server when you send an anonymous message.
Pay with Crypto Currency
Cryptocurrency is supported on SendAnonymous to purchase credit blocks.
Credit card processing fees don't apply when paying via Crypto.
The final price will be the credit block amount + GST, i.e. $20 block = $20 x 1.1 = $22 (no credit card fee)
To purchase a credit block please login, then go to Credit Blocks in the accounts page.